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Understanding the Social Stigma: A Sociological Perspective on the Humiliation Experienced by Fat Persons

In my doctoral dissertation, I wrote that scholars define Fat Studies by what it is not and what it is.  Fat Studies scholars do not approach their research from the perspective that being fat is a disease, or is something ugly.  Fat Studies scholars do not approach their research from a perspective that human weight […]

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Navigating Complex Social Landscapes: Unmarried Mothers and the Sociological Web of Family Dynamics

Some stories stand out for their complexity and range of reactions inside the complicated web of societal structures and individual decisions. One such story is that of single mothers raising multiple children who frequently struggle with the instability that comes with having a partner who goes to and from jail regularly. Examining a variety of

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Unraveling Holocaust Denial: A Sociological and Psychological Analysis

Even though the Holocaust is one of the most well-documented genocides in human history, certain people and organizations continue to deny it. This denial is a complicated phenomenon with roots in psychological and sociological elements rather than only a rejection of historical truths. Through the use of social constructionism, diverse sociological theories, and psychological concepts,

Unraveling Holocaust Denial: A Sociological and Psychological Analysis Read More »

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Unraveling Addiction and Recovery Through a Sociological Lens

Addiction is a widespread and intricate problem that impacts people all around the world. It’s not just a personal battle; it’s a social phenomenon with strong ties to structural, cultural, and economic variables. This blog post examines addiction and recovery from the perspective of sociological theories, specifically social constructionism, to highlight the complex nature of

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