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Understanding the Social Stigma: A Sociological Perspective on the Humiliation Experienced by Fat Persons

In my doctoral dissertation, I wrote that scholars define Fat Studies by what it is not and what it is.  Fat Studies scholars do not approach their research from the perspective that being fat is a disease, or is something ugly.  Fat Studies scholars do not approach their research from a perspective that human weight […]

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Unraveling Holocaust Denial: A Sociological and Psychological Analysis

Even though the Holocaust is one of the most well-documented genocides in human history, certain people and organizations continue to deny it. This denial is a complicated phenomenon with roots in psychological and sociological elements rather than only a rejection of historical truths. Through the use of social constructionism, diverse sociological theories, and psychological concepts,

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Unraveling Social Stratification: A Sociological Insight

Social stratification is a crucial and ubiquitous factor that shapes the interactions between individuals and groups in a society, contributing to the overall picture of social dynamics. In this article, I analyze social stratification and discuss its causes, expressions, and effects on both the person and the group by applying social constructionism and other sociological

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