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Understanding the Social Stigma: A Sociological Perspective on the Humiliation Experienced by Fat Persons

In my doctoral dissertation, I wrote that scholars define Fat Studies by what it is not and what it is.  Fat Studies scholars do not approach their research from the perspective that being fat is a disease, or is something ugly.  Fat Studies scholars do not approach their research from a perspective that human weight […]

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The Phantom of the Opera: A Labyrinth of Symbols and Society

Not only is “The Phantom of the Opera” a captivating story, but it also delves deeply into society’s dynamics and human psychology. By examining this story through the lenses of social constructionism, symbolic interactionism, and Carl Jung’s archetypal symbols, one can see the intricacy of the story and the depth of the characters. Unveiling the

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Decoding the Sovereign Citizen Movement: A Sociological Perspective

The sovereign citizen movement stands out as a distinct and frequently difficult phenomenon within the intricate web of social movements and ideologies. We can investigate the origins, tenets, and consequences of this movement using the prism of social constructionism and other sociological theories, providing insights into its effects on people as well as society. Understanding

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